Got my contributor’s copy a few days ago and finally got around to scanning the cover for you all to see. Purty ain’t it? There’s some really excellent stuff in there, including my homegirl Peg Duthie’s “Evolution,” Charles Wright’s “The Ghost of Walter Benjamin Walks at Midnight” and Jane Yolen’s “Goodbye Billy Goat Gruff.” A complete list of contents is here. The ones I could find online are:
- “Dark Flow” by Francis W. Alexander (Abyss & Apex, Issue 28, 2008)
- “Godmother” by Anna Marie Catoir (Goblin Fruit, Spring 2008)
- “Songs were washing up” by Francesca Forrest (Cabinet des Fees – Scheherzade’s Bequest, Issue 6, Sept 2008)
- “Mistress (1)” by Todd Fredson (Blackbird 7.2, Fall 2008)
- untitled – “shot of whiskey” by Joshua Gage (www.spacewesterns.com, 2008
- untitled – “stars invisible” by Joshua Gage (Mindflights, November 2008)
- “The Tongue-Cut Sparrow’s Song for the Woodsman’s Wife” by Jeannine Hall Gailey (Poemeleon, Summer 2008)
- “The Lure of an Older Woman” by Toni J. Gardner (Amaze: The Cinquain Journal, 6.2, 2008)
- untitled – “trying to imitate” by Sanford Goldstein (Simply Haiku, Winter 2008)
- “Study/Violet” by Leonard Gonatarek (Prick of the Spindle, Vol 2.3, Sept 2008)
- untitled – “sailor’s ear” by M. Kei (“The Sailor’s Ear,” Bolts of Silk, 1- February 2008)
- untitled – “just as I” and untitled – “lest we stray” by Mariko Kitakubo (tr Amelia Fielden) from Cicada Forest (Kadokawa Gakugei Shupan Ltd, 2008)
- untitled – “winter plum branches” by paul m (Mariposa #19, Autumn/Winter 2008)
- “Werepenguin” by Joanne Merriam (Strange Horizons, 10-March-2008)
- “There, where the universe begins” by Terrie Leigh Relf (Astropoetica 6.2, Spring 2008)
- untitled – “dark moon” by Maria Steyn (Simply Haiku, Spring 2008)
- untitled – “strange voices” (pdf) by Dietmar Tauchner (Frogpond XXI, Number 1, 2008)