Brynn Saito is the author of The Palace of Contemplating Departure, winner of the Benjamin Saltman Award from Red Hen Press (2013). She co-authored, with
Category: Reading

Mary Alexandra Agner is the author of the poetry collections The Scientific Method (Parallel Press, 2011) and The Doors of the Body (Mayapple Press, 2009),
Joshua Robbins is the author of Praise Nothing (University of Arkansas Press, 2013), a finalist for Miller Williams Poetry Prize. He teaches creative writing and
Iris Jamahl Dunkle has had work in Boxcar Poetry Review, Kaleidowhirl, Cleveland in Prose and Poetry, Thin Air, Fence, SNReview, Squaw Valley Review, Stellar Showcase
David J. Daniels’ poetry has appeared in Anti-, Boston Review, Mead: The Magazine of Literature & Libations, Sixth Finch, and Thrush Poetry Journal, as
Roberta Beary was born and raised in New York City. In 1990 she moved to Japan for five years of haiku study. Her The
Lynn Domina is the author of two collections of poetry, Framed in Silence and Corporal Works, and the editor of a collection of essays, Poets

Kevin Prufer is the author of five books of poetry and the editor of four anthologies, most recently In a Beautiful Country (Four Way Books,
This is a guest post by Kathleen Alcalá—she interviewed Scott Sparling for Intermittent Visitors. Scott Sparling‘s first novel, Wire to Wire, is about love,
This is a guest post by Kathleen Alcalá—she interviewed Donna Miscolta for Intermittent Visitors. Donna Miscolta’s first book is the novel When the de la