My poem “ Werepenguin” has been nominated for the 2009 Dwarf Stars Award.
Tag: Strange Horizons
Escape Pod has just published my short story “Little Ambushes” as a podcast. (It was originally published over at Strange Horizons.)
Strange Horizons has published my poem “Thirteen Scifaiku for Blackbirds.” Go read, and if you like it (or don’t), let me know in their comments
Just placed “Little Ambushes” with Escape Pod, the science fiction podcast magazine. How cool is that?
Strange Horizons published “Werepenguin” on 10 March. Asimov’s published “Deaths on Other Planets” in their April/May 2008 issue. Both are poems.
I tried to set up some sort of feed for this page so I could update it a bit more automagically, but couldn’t figure it
Lovely review of “Harvest” (and the other stories published this month at Strange Horizons) up at Tangent Online.
Last Monday, Strange Horizons posted my short alien abduction story, “Harvest.”
Yesterday, Strange Horizons posted my poem “The Bather.”