I’m doing NaPoWriMo again this year. Like last year, I’ll be posting NaPoWriMo inspirational poems here and at Vary the Line, and linking to cool
Tag: Read Write Poem
A few wee bits of writing news: I’m the editor, so this doesn’t really count as a publication credit, but I reprinted a scifaiku over
A wonderful prompt from Read Write Poem (“what I could never tell my mother“) has me thinking about secrets and this.
Progress: Yesterday I wrote a pantoum that plays off Emily Dickinson’s “Hope is the thing with feathers” and today I wrote a cinquain. Prompt for
Progress: Wrote a deliberately shitty poem on Monday just to get it done, and yesterday wrote a mediocre pantoum which might be salvageable. Tonight, instead
Progress: Well, I’ve been sick. I even took yesterday off work, and I have to be really sick to do that, since – as a
Progress: The object poem went so well yesterday that I decided to try another today, and I’ve just finished “An Argument Against Brussels Sprouts.” I
Progress: Just finished an intensely sexy pantoum inspired by this prompt. I’m still one poem behind (from Wednesday) and hope to catch up tonight when
Progress: None. I watched the peregrine falcon who sometimes hangs out on the balcony on the 11th floor of my workplace, instead of writing. Tonight