The August issue of Four and Twenty is up, with one of my short poems in it. Edited in 2022: this site seems to have
Tag: Four and Twenty

Four and Twenty just posted their March 2011 issue (that links to their link to it, but here’s a direct link to the pdf). My

Four and Twenty has just published my very short poem, “Nature Show.” (pdf) Note from 2022: their site is gone now (though the pdfs are

My poem “Nature Show” has been chosen for publication in the January issue of Four and Twenty, scheduled to release on Tuesday, January 18. [Edited

My “Kroger Koan” appeared this week in Four and Twenty: Short Form Poetry (Volume 3, Issue 7, p.15). Note from 2022: their site is gone,
My month of largely (though not entirely) ignoring the internet has been very productive. Thanks for bearing with me. Some new stuff:
tinywords has posted one of my haiku and so has Four and Twenty.

Four and Twenty: Short Form Poetry has just published two of my micropoems (one haiku, one senryu) in their February 2010 issue (pdf). Note from