Check out more poetry-related interviews, reviews and guest posts at Couplets: a multi-author poetry blog tour.
Tag: Couplets
Following is an interview with Diane Lockward for Couplets. She is the author of Temptation by Water, What Feeds Us and Eve’s Red Dress. Her

Molly Peacock is a poet, essayist and creative nonfiction writer. She has published six volumes of poems including Cornucopia: New and Selected Poems and,

Molly Peacock is a poet, essayist and creative nonfiction writer. She has published six volumes of poems including Cornucopia: New and Selected Poems and, most
Today’s Couplets interview is with Kate Buckley. Her poems have appeared in Bellingham Review, The Cafe Review, North American Review, Shenandoah, Slipstream and numerous anthologies.
Another interview for Couplets: a multi-author poetry blog tour! Wendy Babiak is the author of Conspiracy of Leaves. You can read some of the Wonder

Today’s Couplets interview is with Sue Goyette, Nova Scotian author of the poetry collections The True Names of Birds, Undone and outskirts, and the novel
Photo taken by Peg Duthie, August 2009, “at my parents’ interment. Text written after finally tossing out the brush in question, October 2011.” Check
Another Couplets interview, with Jeff Hardin, author Fall Sanctuary. His work can be sampled here. Joanne Merriam: What is your writing process? Jeff Hardin:
Following is an interview Christine Klocek-Lim for Couplets. She has four chapbooks: Ballroom – a love story (Flutter Press), Cloud Studies (Whale Sound Audio Chapbooks),