We decorated gingerbread houses today! Or, rather, I decorated gingerbread houses (plural because I finished up one for a work competition as well as decorating
Category: Ahahahahahah!

I am ded. Hahahahaha. Last night I asked Alan to set up a lamp for me, and he told me to email him, so I

Three years ago I posted the screencap above and commented, “I just read this headline to Alan and now he’s doing an imitation of a
The villanelle is the most restrictive of all sandwich forms. (Also, creating something bestows no privilege of insight.)
Every now and again I get a fit of responsibility about this blog and think I should keep track of things like whether anybody reads
Just for fun, I made a little movie of my poem “Improving on Nature” which appeared on Strange Horizons a few weeks ago.
I’m reading Percival Leigh’s The Comic English Grammar: a new and facetious introduction to the English tongue, which is part of the Emory University Library‘s

AKA: Big Blessing Big Cat Big Face Big Guy Big Kitty Living Big Kitty Nights Big Pants Big Poppa Biggun’ Catbearpig Catbutt C.G.R. Chairman Meow
(via) Pasting in the first half of “Sundowning” got me Margaret Atwood. “Swan Song” gets Chuck Palahniuk. This Wallace Stevens homage gets J.K. Rowling. Hmm.