Instead of posting here and doing other things I’d also like to be doing (like writing, or playing fetch with the dog) I’ve been doing
Month: January 2011
Cherry Blossom Review published three of my haiku today.

Four and Twenty has just published my very short poem, “Nature Show.” (pdf) Note from 2022: their site is gone now (though the pdfs are
escarp just posted one of my haiku.
I’ve been working for Demand Studios since May 2010. I wrote 149 articles in 2010, earning a total of $1012.50. I mostly wrote
Trapeze has accepted two of my microfiction pieces for reprint, which originally appeared in Tweet the Meat and PicFic (that second one is also in

My poem “Nature Show” has been chosen for publication in the January issue of Four and Twenty, scheduled to release on Tuesday, January 18. [Edited
(Also, in writing news, my short story “Seeing Red” was accepted into the P&W Speakeasy anthology which we members are putting together as a fun