I’ve really gotten away from reading from my American Lit List in the past year. I embarked on this ambitious reading project in December 2007, with the end goal of having read whatever American novels I probably would have read had I grown up here (with the caveat that I have an English degree, so this well-read Alternate Universe Joanne would presumably have one too). At the time, I set the goal of doing all the reading by November 2010 (Ahahahahahahaha!), which was when the first elections occurred after I became eligible for citizenship (which I haven’t gotten yet, for various reasons too complicated and off-topic to explain here).
The list itself is pretty idiosyncratic, since of course I didn’t bother listing books I’d already read, which is a few, so as a comprehensive list of classic and must-read American novels, it’s a tragic failure, but I figure it’ll be interesting for bibliophiles nonetheless.
I’ve found this Yale course on the American Novel Since 1945 which gives me some structure for continued reading, so I think I’m going to work my way through that now. I’ve already read Nabokov’s Lolita and most of Kerouac’s On the Road, but not the others, and I do better with audio books since I can listen to them on my commute (which is otherwise wasted time). So I’m going to buy the audiobooks I haven’t read and get started again, doing the reading then the lecture that applies to it. I figure if I have it set up as one continuous set of sound files in my ipod I may actually manage it.
Anyway, here is where the list stands now:
(PP) = Pulitzer / (NBA) = National Book Award / (R) = Radcliffe 100 / (Y) = Yale American Novel Syllabus
- Adams, Henry. The Education of Henry Adams (PP).
- Algren, Nelson. The Man with the Golden Arm (NBA).
- Allison, Dorothy. Bastard Out of Carolina.
- Anderson, Edward. Thieves Like Us.
- Angelou, Maya. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
- Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza.
- Apple, Max. The Propheteers.
- Baldwin, James. Go Tell It On The Mountain (R).
- Ball, Edward. Slaves in the Family.
- Barrett, Andrea. Ship Fever and Other Stories (NBA) or Voyage of the Narwhal.
- Barth, John. Chimera (NBA) or Lost in the Funhouse (Y).
- Barthelme, Donald. City Life.
- Bellow, Saul. Herzog (NBA) or Humboldt’s Gift (PP) or Mr. Sammler’s Planet (NBA) or The Adventures of Augie March (NBA).
- Bierce, Ambrose. The Devil’s Dictionary or The Parenticide Club.
- Blos, Joan. A Gathering of Days: A New England Girl’s Journal (Newbery).
- Brautigan, Richard. In Watermelon Sugar (this one recommended by DFW in interview).
- Brooks, Geraldine. March (PP).
- Burroughs, William. Naked Lunch.
- Butler, Robert Olen. A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain (PP).
- Caldwell, Erskine. Tobacco Road.
- Calvert, Patricia. Sooner.
- Cantor, Jay. Krazy Kat.
- Capote, Truman. Other Voices, Other Rooms or In Cold Blood (R).
- Carver, Raymond. Cathedral.
- Casey, John. Spartina (NBA).
- Chandler Harris, Joel. Uncle Remus.
- Chandler, Raymond. The Big Sleep or Farewell, My Lovely or Playback or The High Window or The Lady in the Lake or The Little Sister or The Long Goodbye.
- Cheever, John. The Stories of John Cheever (NBA/PP) or The Wapshot Chronicle (NBA).
- Condon, Richard. Winter Kills or The Manchurian Candidate.
- Coolidge, Susan. What Katy Did at School.
- Coover, Robert. Briar Rose or Spanking the Maid.
- Crane, Stephen. Maggie: A Girl of the Streets or The Red Badge of Courage.
- Crews, Harry. Karate is a Thing of the Spirit.
- Cullin, Mitch. Tideland.
- Cunningham, Michael. The Hours (PP).
- Daugherty, James. Daniel Boone (Newbery).
- DeLillo, Don. White Noise (NBA/R).
- Dexter, Pete. Paris Trout (NBA).
- Dickey, James. Deliverance.
- Didion, Joan. Slouching Towards Bethlehem or The Year of Magical Thinking or Play It As It Lays (rec’ed by DFW in interview).
- Doctorow, E. L.. World’s Fair (NBA).
- Dreiser, Theodore. An American Tragedy (R) or Sister Carrie.
- D’Souza, Tony. The Konkans.
- Earley, Tony. Somehow Form A Family: Stories That Are Mostly True or Here We Are In Paradise.
- Elkin, Stanley. The Franchiser.
- Ellis, Bret Easton. Less Than Zero.
- Ellison, Ralph. Invisible Man (NBA/R).
- Eugenides, Jeffrey. Middlesex (PP).
- Faulkner, William. The Wild Palms or The Reivers (PP) or Absalom, Absalom! (R) or The Sound and the Fury (R) or As I Lay Dying (R).
- Faulkner, William. The Collected Stories of William Faulkner (NBA).
- Fearing, Kenneth. The Big Clock.
- Fenimore Cooper, James. Leatherstocking Tales or The Last of the Mohicans or The Spy.
- Fleischman, Sid. The Whipping Boy (Newbery).
- Ford, Richard. Independence Day (PP).
- Franzen, Jonathan. The Corrections (NBA).
- Frazier, Charles. Cold Mountain (NBA).
- Gaddis, William. The Recognitions or A Frolic of His Own (NBA) or J R (NBA).
- Gilchrist, Ellen. Victory Over Japan: A Book of Stories (NBA).
- Gipson, Fred. Old Yeller.
- Glass, Julia. Three Junes (NBA).
- goldberg, d.g.k. Queen of the Country.
- Grau, Shirley Ann. The Keepers of the House (PP).
- Gresham, William Lindsay. Nightmare Alley.
- Gurganus, Allan. Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All or White People.
- Hannah, Barry. Geronimo Rex.
- Harris, Thomas. The Silence of the Lambs (on DFW syllabus).
- Harvey, Matthea. Pity the Bathtub Its Forced Embrace of the Human Form (poetry; on DFW syllabus).
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The House of the Seven Gables or The Marble Faun or The Blithedale Romance or Twice-Told Tales.
- Hazzard, Shirley. The Great Fire (NBA).
- Heinemann, Larry. Paco’s Story (NBA).
- Heller, Joseph. Catch-22 (R).
- Helprin, Mark. Winter’s Tale.
- Hemingway, Ernest. The Short Stories.
- Hijuelos, Oscar. The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love (PP).
- Hoagland, Tony. What Narcissism Means to Me (poetry; on DFW syllabus).
- hooks, bell. Ain’t I a Woman.
- Irving, Washington. A History of New York, by Diedrich Knickerbocker or Salmagundi.
- Jackson, Shirley. The Lottery and Other Stories.
- Jin, Ha. Waiting (NBA).
- Johnson, Charles. Middle Passage (NBA).
- Johnson, Denis. Tree of Smoke (NBA).
- Jones, Edward P. The Known World (PP, Y).
- Jones, James. From Here to Eternity (NBA).
- Jones, LeRoi (Amiri Baraka). Blues People.
- Kennedy Toole, John. A Confederacy of Dunces (PP).
- Kennedy, William. Ironweed (PP).
- Kesey, Ken. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (R).
- Kingston, Maxine Hong. The Woman Warrior (Y).
- Knowles, John. A Separate Peace (R).
- Kosinski, Jerzy. Steps (NBA) or The Painted Bird.
- Lahiri, Jhumpa. Interpreter of Maladies (PP).
- Leonard, Elmore. La Brava (Edgar).
- Lethem, Jonathan. Motherless Brooklyn and Gun, with Occasional Music.
- Lewis, Sinclair. Babbitt (R) or Main Street (R).
- Lowry, Lois. Number the Stars (Newbery).
- Lurie, Alison. Foreign Affairs (PP).
- Mailer, Norman. The Deer Park or Armies of the Night or The Executioner’s Song (PP) or The Naked and the Dead (R).
- Malamud, Bernard. The Fixer (NBA/PP) or The Magic Barrel (NBA).
- Maxwell, William. So Long, See You Tomorrow (NBA).
- McCarthy, Cormac. All the Pretty Horses (NBA) or Child of God or The Crossing or The Road (PP) or Blood Meridian (Y).
- McCullers, Carson. Member of the Wedding or The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter.
- McDermott, Alice. Charming Billy (NBA/R).
- McMurtry, Larry. Lonesome Dove (PP).
- McPherson, James Alan. Elbow Room (PP).
- McSweeney, Joyelle. Flet.
- Melville, Herman. Billy Budd or Typee.
- Michener, James A. Centennial or Tales of the South Pacific (PP).
- Millar, Margaret. Beast in View (Edgar) or The Iron Gates.
- Miller, Henry. Tropic of Cancer (R).
- Millhauser, Steven. Martin Dressler (PP).
- Momaday, N. Scott. House Made of Dawn (PP).
- Monette, Paul. Borrowed Time.
- Morris, Wright. Plains Song (NBA) or The Field of Vision (NBA).
- Morrison, Toni. Beloved (R) or Song of Solomon (R) or The Bluest Eye (Y).
- Oates, Joyce Carol. them (NBA).
- O’Brien, Tim. Going After Cacciato (NBA).
- O’Connor, Edwin. The Edge of Sadness (PP).
- O’Connor, Flannery. Wise Blood (Y).
- O’Hara, John. Appointment in Samara or Butterfield 8 or Ten North Frederick (NBA).
- Ohle, David. The Pisstown Chaos.
- Olson, Charles. Call Me Ishmael.
- Olson, Tillie. Tell Me a Riddle.
- Percy, Walker. The Moviegoer (NBA).
- Porter, Eleanor H. Pollyanna.
- Porter, Katherine Anne. Flowering Judas and Other Stories or The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter (NBA/PP).
- Powers, J. F. Morte D’Urban (NBA).
- Powers, Richard. The Echo Maker (NBA).
- Pynchon, Thomas. Gravity’s Rainbow (NBA) or The Crying of Lot 49 (Y).
- Randall, Alice. The Wind Done Gone or Pushkin and the Queen of Spades.
- Raskin, Ellen. The Westing Game (Newbery).
- Rawls, Wilson. Where the Red Fern Grows.
- Rich, Adrienne. On Lies, Secrets and Silence.
- Richter, Conrad. The Town (PP) or The Waters of Kronos (NBA).
- Robinson, Marilynne. Gilead (PP) or Housekeeping (Y).
- Roth, Philip. The Human Stain.
- Rush, Norman. Mating (NBA).
- Safran Foer, Jonathan. Everything is Illuminated (Y).
- Salinger, J. D. Franny and Zooey (Y).
- Seredy, Kate. The White Stag (Newbery).
- Settle, Mary Lee. Blood Ties (NBA).
- Shaara, Michael. The Killer Angels (PP).
- Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle (R).
- Singer, Isaac B. A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories (NBA) or The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer.
- Smiley, Jane. A Thousand Acres (PP).
- Smith, Lee. Fancy Strut or Black Mountain Breakdown.
- Smith, Richard Penn. Colonel Crockett’s Exploits and Adventures in Texas.
- Speare, Elizabeth George. The Witch of Blackbird Pond (Newbery).
- Stafford, Jean. The Collected Stories of Jean Stafford (PP).
- Stegner, Wallace. Angle of Repose (PP) or Crossing to Safety or The Spectator Bird (NBA).
- Steinbeck, John. The Winter of Our Discontent.
- Stone, Robert. Dog Soldiers (NBA).
- Styron, William. Sophie’s Choice (NBA/R) or The Confessions of Nat Turner (PP).
- Tartt, Donna. The Little Friend.
- Taylor, Peter. A Summons to Memphis (PP).
- Thurber, James. A Thurber Carnival.
- Tuck, Lily. The News from Paraguay (NBA).
- Tyler, Anne. Breathing Lessons (PP) or Accidental Tourist.
- Uris, Leon. Exodus or Trinity.
- Vidal, Gore. The United States: Essays 1952-1992.
- Vollmann, William. Rainbow Stories or Europe Central (NBA).
- Walker, Alice. The Color Purple (NBA).
- Wallace, David Foster. Infinite Jest and Everything and More (set theory!).
- Warren, Robert Penn. All the Kings Men (R).
- West, Nathaniel. The Day of the Locust or Miss Lonelyhearts.
- White, Edmund. A Boy’s Own Story.
- Wilder, Thornton. The Eighth Day (NBA).
- Willard, Nancy. A Visit to William Blake’s Inn (Newbery).
- Williams, John Edward. Augustus (NBA).
- Williams, Tennessee. Orpheus Descending.
- Williams, Thomas. The Hair of Harold Roux (NBA).
- Wolfe, Thomas. Look Homeward, Angel (R) or You Can’t Go Home Again.
- Wolfe, Tom. Bonfire of the Vanities (R).
- Woolrich, Cornell. Rear Window.
- Wouk, Herman. The Caine Mutiny (PP) or The Winds of War or War and Remembrance.
- Wright, Richard. Native Son (R) or Black Boy (Y).
- X, Malcolm and Alex Haley. The Autobiography of Malcolm X.
- Yates, Richard. Revolutionary Road.
- Anderson, Sherwood. Winesburg, Ohio.
- Baum, L. Frank. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (R).
- Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backward.
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice. The Land That Time Forgot.
- Cain, James M. The Postman Always Rings Twice.
- Capote, Truman. Breakfast at Tiffany’s: A Short Novel and Three Stories.
- Cather, Willa. O Pioneers!
- Chabon, Michael. The Yiddish Policeman’s Union (PP).
- Cheney Neville, Emily. It’s Like This, Cat.
- Chopin, Kate. The Awakening.
- Curwood, James Oliver. God’s Country – And the Woman.
- Estes, Eleanor. Ginger Pye (Newbery).
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott. This Side of Paradise.
- Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.
- Hammett, Dashiell. The Maltese Falcon (R).
- Hemingway, Ernest. The Sun Also Rises.
- Hosseini, Khaled. A Thousand Splendid Suns.
- Jackson, Shirley. We Have Always Lived in the Castle.
- Jackson, Shirley. The Haunting of Hill House.
- James, Henry. Daisy Miller.
- James, Henry. The Turn of the Screw.
- Jewett, Sarah Orne. Country of the Pointed Firs.
- Kerouac, Jack. On The Road (R,Y) (abandoned this at the three-quarter mark).
- Konigsburg, E. L. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.
- Lawson, Robert. Rabbit Hill.
- Leonard, Elmore. Pagan Babies.
- Lethem, Jonathan. Chronic City.
- Lofting, Hugh. The Voyages of Doctor Doolittle (Newbery).
- London, Jack. The Call of the Wild.
- Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin. Georgia Scenes.
- MacLachlan, Patricia. edward’s eyes.
- MacLachlan, Patricia. Sarah, Plain and Tall.
- McCourt, Frank. Angela’s Ashes.
- McCoy, Horace. They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?
- Nabokov, Vladmir. Lolita (R,Y).
- O’Brien, Robert C. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.
- O’Connor, Flannery. The Complete Stories of Flannery O’Connor.
- Paterson, Katherine. Bridge to Terebithia.
- Paterson, Katherine. Jacob Have I Loved.
- Proulx, E. Annie. Bad Dirt.
- Rand, Ayn. Anthem.
- Roth, Philip. The Great American Novel.
- Roth, Philip. The Plot Against America.
- Russo, Richard. Empire Falls (PP).
- Sachar, Louis. Holes.
- Salinger, J. D. Nine Stories.
- Sebold, Alice. The Lovely Bones.
- Shields, Carol. Collected Stories.
- Sontag, Susan. In America (NBA) (abandoned partway through as too boring).
- Stein, Gertrude. Tender Buttons.
- Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men.
- Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath.
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
- Twain, Mark. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.
- Twain, Mark. The Innocents Abroad.
- Twain, Mark. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.
- Updike, John. Terrorist.
- Welty, Eudora. Collected Stories of Eudora Welty.
- Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome (R).