Just for fun, I made a little movie of my poem “Improving on Nature” which appeared on Strange Horizons a few weeks ago.
Month: September 2010
Read “The Time I Fought Matsuo Basho” by Ryan Mecum (via).
I’m reading Percival Leigh’s The Comic English Grammar: a new and facetious introduction to the English tongue, which is part of the Emory University Library‘s
Read “Humanity 2.1” by Michael Swanwick.
AKA: Big Blessing Big Cat Big Face Big Guy Big Kitty Living Big Kitty Nights Big Pants Big Poppa Biggun’ Catbearpig Catbutt C.G.R. Chairman Meow
Read “And She Shall Be Crowned According to Her Station” by Genevieve Valentine.
Save the Words is a pretty cool little website. Go learn some new words. Also, awesome spam comment: “Why aren’t there bullet-proof pants?”
Strange Horizons published my poem “Improving on Nature” today.