Nashville had a little rain over the weekend – about 13 inches, a record for a two-day period – and some of it made its way into our basement. At its peak we had two inches of water in the basement. Luckily the plumbing continued to work, so we were able to bail a good deal of it into the toilet.
The bunnies, who live in the basement, were pretty freaked out by it, and somehow two of them got out of their pen (while Scrambles, possibly the smartest of them all, got into her litter bin where it was dry and stayed there). I put them in our upstairs bathroom, where they could do the least damage since it’s basically floor-to-ceiling tile. They were perplexed and disapproving. Scrambles and Annyong looked like they were going to get along for a little while, even snuggling a bit, and then when I was bailing downstairs, I heard thumps and came up to find tufts of white fur everywhere. I stuck Annyong in the bathtub and pulled the shower curtain, which was enough to confuse her overnight. This afternoon, once all the water was gone and our downstairs was dry again, Alan set their pens back up.

Today, while the landlord was using his shop vac to get rid of the worst of the water, Jason’s cat got outside. We searched high and low and finally went out to check under the house (which had been open because the landlord had had to flush our pipes), and he emerged with bits of yellow insulation all over his face, all wide-eyed and triumphant (“I got to LOOK UNDER THE HOUSE! It was an ADVENTURE! Now I’m TIRED OF ADVENTURES! Oh my God guys it’s DARK in there!”).