The Fix (a short fiction review site) says this about my short story “Swan Song” (emphasis mine): The story is very well written and also
Year: 2008
New post up at Vary the Line about using traditional songs and verses in your poetry. I started thinking about it because “Angels We
The batcave is our back driveway – it’s surrounded by wildly growing bamboo and trees and shrubs and things, so it’s basically hidden if you
Alba has published my short poem, “Larix laricina Anaphora.”
“Variations on Pablo Neruda” appeared in Umbrella, and “Bodies Make Poor Lenses” and “Vertigo” in Astropoetica. Also, here are some word clouds I created using
Strange Horizons published “Werepenguin” on 10 March. Asimov’s published “Deaths on Other Planets” in their April/May 2008 issue. Both are poems.
Raging Face just reprinted “Got Your Back Door,” which is about the time Drew drove me down in his big rig to visit Alan in
Coyote Wild just published “Venusian Girls are Better.”
ChiZine just published my science fiction poem, “The Aviary.” Also, Stand Magazine just re-published my poem, “Calendar of Dreams,” with the final page that was