Tonight I went to the monthly open mic at the UU Church in Nashua. I read three poems from The Allotment: New Lyric Poets: “God Bless This Twenty Dollar Bill,” “Auto Biographies” and “Throwing Signs.” I was a bit nervous about reading a poem in which I talk about treating men like beetles you flip on their backs to torture them, since it was in a church and all, but one of the readers (performer, really) before me did a piece including the phrase “big cock” in the refrain, so I decided it would be okay.
Apparently it went over well, because they’ve asked me to be a feature reader in May. Also a frighteningly intelligent woman who is doing an MFA told me “Auto Biographies” is the perfect prose poem, and then told me why. I wish I’d known her when I was writing the back cover copy for my book.
The details on the upcoming reading:
8 p.m. to 10 p.m., Friday, 11 May 2007 – The Poets Corner – Featured poets and open mic poetry readings. $2 donation per person. Unitarian Universalist Church, White Wing School Chapel, 58 Lowell St, Nashua, NH (parking lot and chapel entrance off of Grove Street). Email [redacted after event] for directions or details.