Strange Horizons published my poem “Cherries for Buttons” today. Their Readers’ Choice Awards 2005 are open for voting until March 17. Anybody can vote. You can vote for up to 5 poems. Coincidentally, I have five eligible poems: “Surface Properties“; “The Rainy Season“; “First Contact“; “Settler’s Song“; and “The Greening.” (Personally I think “The Rainy Season” and “The Greening” are the best of these.)

Peg Duthie also has an eligible poem; so does Neile Graham. I won’t take it personally if you vote for them instead, really. Other stand-outs: “War Is For the Hard of Hearing” and “Where Elevator Music Comes From.” Also please consider voting in the short story category for “A Coffee Cup/Alien Invasion Story” or “Close To You” – I thought both of these were notably inventive on a structural/language level and would like to see that sort of experimentation rewarded. I also thought “Bearing Witness” was exceptional, though not at all experimental.

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