The Glaze from Breaking was reviewed in the current issue of Shearsman Magazine. My images manage to be both unusual and just right! I do clever things with sound! I remind her of Boris Pasternak!
Of course I still have copies left, and you should buy some before I win the Nobel and they get sold out. Send me $17 US or $20 Canadian (or we’ll figure out a fair price if you’re elsewhere, though if you’re in the UK it’d be cheapest and easiest to order through the distributor) via PayPal (to joannemerriam @, or you can email me for my mailing address and send a cheque.
If you’re in the area, it’d be really cool if you came out for my book launch/reading at the Linebaugh Public Library (105 West Vine Street, Murfreesboro) from 7 – 9 p.m. on Friday, September 16th. Aronne McCoy will also be reading, and after the readings there’ll be an open mic.
Edited at 11 p.m. to add: Salon published one of my poems! I’m sort of amused by this, because they’re hardly a poetry venue, but they had a contest for poetry about one’s body, challenging readers to celebrate the beauty of things that aren’t normally considered beautiful, after those “Real Women” Dove* & Nike ads. I don’t really agree with Salon‘s “everybody’s beautiful” stance (if everybody is beautiful, then nobody is), but I disagree much more virulently with the narrow conception of beauty usually pushed on us by the media, and am irked by Dove’s attempt to convince me that buying snake oil is a feminist statement, so I was happy to write this poem about wrinkles.
*Warning: Dove’s site has a lot of video-without-warning, and consequently isn’t work safe.